Compassionate end of life care.

What are end of life doulas?

End of life doulas are certified individuals that have pledged to help sick and/or dying individuals during their final moments. Much like a wedding planner, we provide companionship, comfort, and guidance to those facing a terminal illness or death and act as a liaison and coordinator on their behalf. As a non-medical holistic support, we offer resources to help the dying individual and their loved ones to make informed decisions in a supportive environment.

While never an easy conversation, end of life doulas normalize deathcare by creating spaces to hold conversations leading to increased communication, spiritual, and emotional well-being. We grant autonomy over your decisions and help to clearly define your end of life wishes and loved ones.

End of life doulas provide you an opportunity to speak openly and frankly about death and your personal wishes. We take time to explore your personal meaning of death and dying, reflecting on the legacy you wish to leave on the world. Doulas bring a focused and intuitive presence to the planning and act of dying, helping both you and your loved ones process the emotions experienced throughout the process.

Services We Provide

Companionship & Emotional Support

We provide a comforting presence and compassionate ear to both the actively dying and their loved ones. We offer emotional support during this challenging time, creating a safe space for sharing fears, concerns, and hopes.

Practical Support & Advocacy

We help individuals and families navigate the healthcare system and communicate with medical professionals on their behalf. We assist with practical tasks, such as organizing personal affairs, coordinating care services, and managing logistics.

Legacy Work & Life Review

We facilitate opportunities for individuals to reflect on and share their life stores, memories, and legacies through assisting with legacy projects. We also support individuals in finding meaning, closure, and peace as they review their life journey.

Advanced Care Planning Assistance

We have a network of providers that can assist with advance directives, living wills and medical power of attorney documentation. We work to ensure that individuals’ wishes are understood and respected.

Comfort & Symptom Management

We provide information and resources on pain management and symptom relief options. We also offer gentle touch, reiki, or other comfort measures to promote relaxation and ease discomfort.

Family & Caregiver Support

We provide respite care to alleviate caregiver burden and prevent burnout. We facilitate open communication and foster understanding among family members during this challenging time.

Why use an End of Life Doula?

Choosing an end-of-life doula can be a profoundly meaningful decision for individuals and their families facing the final stages of life. End-of-life doulas offer a unique blend of emotional, practical, and spiritual support, guiding individuals through the journey of dying with compassion, dignity, and comfort. Unlike traditional medical professionals who may be focused primarily on physical health, doulas offer holistic support that encompasses emotional and spiritual needs as well. We take the time to listen, understand, and honor the wishes and values of the individual, creating a customized care plan that respects your unique journey.

Additionally, end-of-life doulas are skilled in creating sacred and peaceful environments that promote healing and acceptance. Through rituals, ceremonies, and gentle guidance, they help individuals and families navigate the complexities of grief and loss, finding moments of beauty and meaning amidst the pain. Whether it's facilitating conversations about legacy and life review or providing practical support with advance care planning and legacy projects, doulas offer a holistic approach to end-of-life care that addresses the multifaceted needs of those nearing the end of life.

Ultimately, choosing an end-of-life doula is a choice rooted in compassion, empowerment, and dignity. By embracing the support of a doula, individuals and families can navigate the end-of-life journey with grace, authenticity, and profound human connection, finding solace in the presence of a compassionate guide who honors their unique experience and honors the sacredness of life's final chapter.

Contact us.

(586) 930-6222

414 S. Main Street, Suite 205, Rochester, MI 48307